Salad of Puy lentils and baked carrots (remake)

The guy got these vegetables for tonight Salad desired. Since I could not remember exactly the recipe, I threw a quick look into the recipe-kladde earlier (such a blog is really handy). And then I got very perplexed at the post stuck. Apparently, I prepared the salad last, just when the scary ghost EHEC was traveling in Hamburg and then in the rest of Germany.

Could it be that only half a year is her? It happens like ... well ... at least 2 or 3 years. Man, what an excitement back then. The Hamburg hospitals were totally overcrowded with suspected cases and actually sick people. Everyone was confused as to what they could and did not eat. Especially perfidious was the fact that at that time it hit especially those, who sat on vegetarian nutrition and otherwise were spared the usual food scandals for meat. The uncertainty was therefore the deeper: "If we can not eat salad and vegetables now, what then?" Tons of ripe salads and vegetables were destroyed. Many farmers suddenly faced ruin. The trend to grow vegetables in his own garden suddenly seemed to be the only way to survive the next few years without disease. Industrial mass production was once again viewed critically and evaluated. Meat consumption jumped for several weeks. How paradoxical.

And then suddenly everything was over as fast as it came.

Half a year later nobody remembers this time, right? Has anyone recently been uncomfortable about having a salad leaf or a slice of cucumber on the fork? No? That's a good thing, because food should be fun. From time to time it does not hurt to worry about where our food comes from and how natural the luxury for us is to have fresh, natural and delicious food available at all times. It's really great to be able to build the best dishes without fear and scruples - like this delicious vegetable salad that we're looking forward to tonight:

And this is how it works for a bowl:

1 cup of puy-lentils in water cook without salt until firm. It takes about 20 minutes - just try at the end of the cooking time. If the lentils are still too firm, add a few minutes. (For speed cookers: Of course you can also use canned lentils, but then have a look at the label - more than water, lentils and salt should not be there.)

While the lentils are cooking, 5 large carrots Peel and cut into not too small pens. Cook in salted water for about 10 minutes, so that the carrots are still quite firm.

The cooked lentils (or canned ones) in a sieve and drain into a pan . Slowly heat to medium and add 2 red onions in fine rings, the juice of 1/2 lemon and salt and pepper .Drain the cooked carrots and place in the pan. Add 1 dash of olive oil , salt , pepper and 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon or alternatively add African spice and strong Fry heat briefly. When the carrots have taken some color from the heat and put on the lentils. Allow to cool.

Crumble over the cooled lentils and carrots 1 package sheep cheese (the good from - yes! - genuine sheep's milk). The green topping is chopped parsley or mint .

The salad is great to prepare, keeps airtight in the fridge for a few days and can withstand a few hours of sun or heating , So, for example Simply prepare it during the week and take it as a quick lunch with you to work or at the weekend for a picnic in the park.